Software Development and Integration

Custom Software Development Services

Modern health care professionals are embracing digital technology and integrating advanced tools into their work. These resources help them offer higher-quality, efficient care, but the challenges of the government-based practitioner remain complex and unique.

MicroHealth knows these challenges well. We’re a team of veterans, clinicians, and health care professionals who help federal government agencies achieve their full IT potential. Our custom software development and integration services deliver the advantages for improved business outcomes.

The Need for Software Development Services

While prepackaged solutions may work for many, a blanket approach to technology isn’t ideal for every agency. Custom software development and implementation may be the right choice for:

Managing Industry-Specific Data – Custom software helps leaders address their data with technology made for industry-specific issues and solutions. Automating Distinct Business Processes – To be at its most effective, your software must accomplish the specific tasks and transactions you handle.
Complying with Unique Security and Privacy Regulations – As regulations evolve, you need a software solution that can keep up with the ever-changing landscape. Aggregating Data from Legacy Programs & Disparate Systems – A tailored solution increases interoperability for a low-cost way of leveraging and enhancing your tech stack.

MicroHealth’s Software Development Services

MicroHealth is an expert provider of Agile software implementation services throughout the U.S. government. Agile software development creates applications and embraces best practices for development within a specific context. This approach allows for cross-functional teams to design comprehensive technology solutions while maintaining more transparency, control and flexibility.

This methodology differs from traditional linear models, focusing on breaking large-scale projects into smaller pieces, called “sprints.” While clearly organized, sprints promote more immediate feedback that’s valuable for informing the next project stage.

In addition to Agile software development support, MicroHealth proudly offers a wide range of other systems engineering solutions, including:

  • Release management support: MicroHealth prepares you to meet the challenges of dynamic work environments with continuous delivery strategies focused on quality and user value.
  • Configuration management support: Configuration management ensures you build robust systems to meet changing needs. Our team of experts will thoroughly assess your infrastructure for optimum performance and oversight.
  • Requirements management software engineering: This software development approach paves the way for successful applications. We work with you to ensure the end product meets your needs through continuous analysis, communication and understanding.
  • Software testing: A critical part of the development life cycle is confirming that your software fulfills its purpose. MicroHealth has extensive expertise in software quality assurance testing services for small and large organizations.

Project Spotlights

Excellence in Action

US Army Medical Simulation Training Centers (MSTC)

We collaborated with the Army Medical Simulation Training Centers (MSTCs) to create and implement medical simulation training software. These programs are essential for experiential learning and Army-based medical personnel throughout the ranks. Our solution provides realistic scenarios for clinical and combat applications in deployed settings. MicroHealth also provides help desk support, network security administration and clinical information systems training to MSTCs using the software.

Partner With MicroHealth for Custom Software Development

MicroHealth is an award-winning IT company focused on providing innovative solutions that solve challenges and empowering organizations through technology. Connect with us online or contact a specialist at 1-855-294-3547.