Medical Simulation

Enhancing Health Care Outcomes with Medical Simulation Training

Health care errors may contribute to the deaths of up to 251,000 people in the U.S. each year. One way to prevent these deaths is to increase the knowledge and skill set of health care professionals — and medical simulation training is proving to be an effective solution.

The training represents a significant advancement in health care technology to change the way providers master their craft. Health care professionals use sophisticated tools to make real-time decisions that prepare them for real-life situations.

MicroHealth is an expert among medical simulation companies capable of delivering modernized technology solutions and support services that improve health outcomes.

What Is Medical Simulation Training?

Medical simulation training is a modern approach to learning with advanced technological tools that imitate clinical situations. These simulations deliver an experiential learning environment without patient risk. Testing often involves honing skills like injection, intubation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It can also create realistic depictions of more advanced care environments, such as in a critical care facility, operating room or field hospital.

During medical simulation testing, a provider makes real-time decisions similar to those they’ll face in the field. The software takes the place of a patient, relieving the pressure of a less-than-ideal clinical outcome. This method gives providers the space to make mistakes that become valuable and irreplaceable learning opportunities.

Military Specific Services & Solutions

Through our cutting-edge medical simulation technology, we facilitate realistic and immersive training experiences for military personnel, allowing them to hone their skills and decision-making abilities in a safe and controlled environment.

Project Spotlights

Excellence in Action

MicroHealth has extensive experience developing medical simulation testing programs for the U.S. government and its agencies.

U.S. Army MSTC

MicroHealth delivers comprehensive services for medical simulation training to the Army’s Medical Simulation Training Center (MSTC) in Fort Hood. We handle the center’s need for simulation training in field-combat and clinical sites alike, providing software development and integration services. We also help them with Post-Deployment Support Services (PDSS) and system security throughout their deployment sites. A minimum of 2,500 Army medics pass through the MSTC sites for recertification each year, and MicroHealth helps them achieve it.

Defense Health Agency SOCOM

MicroHealth is responsible for developing, integrating, maintaining and testing the medical simulation program for Special Operations Command’s (SOCOM) Purposed Emergency Access Response Point of Injury and Trauma Simulation (SPEARPOINTS). We designed this custom solution for the Special Operations Forces (SOF) to train for critical health care tasks in a mission scenario. Our platform deploys simulations in both safe house and team house settings for lasting confidence and preparedness.

Explore our Medical Simulation Training Solutions

At MicroHealth, we’re a leading medical simulation software developer and supporter capable of customizing solutions for your governmental agency through various contract vehicles and schedules. Take your health care quality to the next level with IT services from health experts first and technologists second. Contact us at 1-855-294-3547 or via our online form for white-glove service.